Back side bust of a woman with a braided pony tail looking towards an orange mandala expanding in space.
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Metaphysical Inventory

Welcome to your Metaphysical Inventory. These questions will unlock insights inspired by esoteric archetypes. You can use the checkboxes to select the words that resonate with you the most. In our groundbreaking model, you can also type any response you like. We encourage you to write at least a few words whenever possible. The unfiltered expression of your thoughts and feelings will produce the most accurate results.


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Do you often seek solitude or enjoy social gatherings?|Solitude, Social Gatherings
When making decisions, do you rely more on logic or intuition?|Logic, Intuition
In challenging times, do you turn inward for strength or seek external guidance?|Inward, External
Are you inclined to plan things in advance or go with the flow?|Plan in advance, Go with the flow
Do you feel a strong connection to your dreams and imagination or focus on the tangible reality?|Dreams, Reality
Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower?|Leader, Follower
Choose the two words that best describe your nature:|Patient, Persistent, Adaptable, Quick
Choose the two words that best describe your nature:|Gentle, Nurturing, Protective, Strong-willed
Are you more comfortable in water environments or land environments?|Water, Land
Would you rather travel in an airplane or a train?|Airplane, Train
Choose the two words that best describe how you approach situations:|Enthusiasm, Caution, Practicality, Dedication
Choose the two words that best describe an environment where you thrive:|Routine, Change, Stability, Curiosity
Choose the two words that best describe your thought patterns:|Logical, Anxiety, Spontaneous, Dynamic
Is your compassion and empathy directed strongly towards others, or do you prioritize your own needs?|Others, Myself
Choose the two words that best describe your drive:|Desires, Goals, Harmony, Balance
Is communication of thoughts and feelings something that comes easily, or do you often keep them to yourself?|Easy, Not easy
Choose the two words that best describe your energy levels:|High, Active, Steady, Consistent
Do you tend to have irregular routines and stay up late, or do you prefer an earlier bedtime and regular schedule?|Irregular, Regular
Choose the two words that best describe how you make decisions:|Logic, Analysis, Intuition, Feelings
Is your natural physique lean with a fast metabolism, or do you tend to gain weight easily?|Fast Metabolism, Slow Metabolism
Choose the two words that best describe you under stress:|Anxious, Defensive, Relaxed, Impatient
Choose the two words that most appeal to you:|Wisdom, Knowledge, Courage, Heroism
Does your connection lean towards natural forces and cycles, or towards the development of civilization?|Nature, Civilization
Is your focus on seeking justice or on personal transformation?|Justice, Transformation
Choose the two words that best describe the role that suits you:|Defender, Nurturer, Guide, Leader
Are you inclined to explore the depths of your own consciousness, or to engage with the external world?|Consciousness, External world
Are you more interested in revealing hidden truths, or in creating new possibilities?|Hidden truths, New possibilities

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